Friday, July 20, 2012

Statement from the Alexandrian Gnostic Church on the Colorado Theater Massacre

Today we were horrified and deeply saddened by the news of the massacre in Aurora, Colorado.

As of this writing, 12 people are reported to be dead, and 50 injured. Our hearts and prayers go out to those impacted by this senseless act of random violence

We ask all people of good will to join us in prayer for all who were involved in this tragedy: those who were wounded and killed, the families of the victims, the community of Aurora, and the accused shooter and his family.  We pray that they may be comforted by the One whom the Apostle called the Father of Mercies and God of all comfort.

As this tragedy drives us to  prayer and reflection, and as we prepare to celebrate the Eucharist this weekend, these words from our Liturgy of Divine Wisdom seem particularly timely:
Aeon Jesus, Prince of Peace,
Proclaim to us your holy gospel,
Announcing the healing of the nations,
Calling ever tongue, tribe, and nation to promote peace.
Reveal Your compassion in us,
So that we might act justly, love mercy and walk humbly.
In the name of the unknown Father of all,
by Aletheia, the Mother of all,
by the name which descended upon Jesus,

Tau Thomas Valentinus
Catholicos of the Alexandrian Gnostic Church


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